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Write the Vision Business Services, LLC
Write the Vision Business Services, LLC

Non-Profit & Grant Writing Services

Our grant writing services are designed to help non-profit organizations and businesses maximize their funding potential and secure grants for various purposes. 

Our grant writing services are tailored to your specific needs and goals. We understand the importance of securing funding to support your organization's mission and programs, and we are dedicated to helping you achieve success. Let us be your partner in unlocking funding opportunities and driving positive change in your community. 

Grant Research

We conduct comprehensive research to identify relevant grant opportunities that align with your organization's mission, goals, and funding needs. We analyze grant guidelines, eligibility criteria, and application requirements to ensure a strategic approach to grant seeking.

Grant Proposal Writing

Our experienced grant writers craft compelling and persuasive grant proposals that effectively communicate your organization's mission, programs, and impact. We highlight your unique strengths, outcomes, and sustainability plans to increase your chances of securing funding. 

Grant Application Review

We provide thorough reviews and edits of your grant applications to ensure they are well-written, organized, and meet all the requirements. Our goal is to enhance the clarity, coherence, and persuasiveness of your proposals to maximize your chances of success.

Grant Management

Once you receive a grant, we can assist with grant management, including reporting, compliance, and evaluation. We help you track and report on the progress and impact of your funded programs, ensuring that you meet all the grant requirements and maintain positive relationships with funders.

Strategy Development

We work closely with you to develop a comprehensive grant strategy that aligns with your organization's long-term goals. This includes identifying funding sources, and developing a timeline for grant seeking activities.

Capacity Building

We offer training and workshops to build your organization's capacity in grant writing and fundraising. Our goal is to empower your team with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively identify, apply for, and manage grants.

Our Rates

We understand that pricing is an important consideration when choosing a service provider. Our pricing for nonprofit and grant writing services is based on several factors, including the scope of the project, the complexity of the grant application, and the level of support required. 

The pricing details listed are  starting price points. Consultations are required to make sure the service(s) selected are best for your project. 

Single Services

We will register your organization with your state. This includes incorporation fees for the state of Georgia. 

Federal EIN

Free with state registration.


We will apply for nonprofit status with the IRS. This includes the 501(c)(3) application fee for the IRS of $275. 

Mission statement/purpose

Every organization needs a defined purpose. We'll help you define your purpose!


We will draft your non-profit bylaws, tailored to your organization's needs. 

Single Services
Prospect Research

We will identify 5-15 potential funding sources. We will provide detailed descriptions on each. 

$245 and up
Proposal Revision/Rewrite

We will review and revise an existing fully developed proposal.


We will proofread your proposal and provide suggestions, without rewriting. 

Package A
  • Consultation
  • Research & Identify up to 7 matches
  • Turnaround time- Up to 14 business days
Package C
  • Consultation
  • Research & identify up to 15 matches
  • Prepare & submit up to 4 level 1 submissions
  • Prepare & submit up 1 level 2 submission
  • Est. 21-30 business days
Package B
  • Consultation
  • Research & identify up to 7 matches
  • Up to 4 level 1 submissions
  • Turnaround time- Up to 21 business days
Package D
  • Consultation
  • Research & identify up to 15 matches
  • Prepare & submit 1 level 2 submission
  • Prepare & submit up to 3 level 1 submissions
  • Est. 45 business days